Friday, December 23, 2011

Detroit - City of Angels

Ah, yes. Detroit. The City of Brotherly Love. I cannot type to you how excited I am for this trip with the team. I feel like Detroit has been given a bad rap as of late and I could not disagree more. Let's think about his people, if Detroit didn't exist, where would we get cars? Space? I don't think so. So maybe think about that next time you're driving your shiny new Prius. Maybe throw out a thanks to the Windy City of Detroit, Michigan for all it has done for you and asked nothing in return.
You're welcome, world. -Detroit

I am just going to come out and say it right now, I couldn't be more excited for  the Little Caesar's Pizza Bowl. I have had many $5 Hot and Readies from the local Little Caesar's and let me tell you something, they are most delicious. If the bowl is half as fun as their affordable pizza is delicious, we are in for a treat.

Christmas night, Thunderbowl Bowling Lanes, dance floor. LEEETTSSS GOOOOOOO!!
This, folks, is sure to be a dance off of the ages. I have known Nick for about 2 years now through Chris Rubio Long Snapping Camps, and in a way I view him as the little brother I never had. Nick reminds me a lot of myself: young, attractive, debonair, humble, Physical Education major, long snapper, likes to have a good time. Having said this, I cannot wait to put him to shame in front of God and everybody. Video sure to come.

I am excited to have the opportunity to end my career like I started it, in Detroit Rock City with my teammates having the time of our lives. I am looking forward to the game and high fiving as many people as possible while I live up the last few days of being an "athlete!"

Hail Purdue

Western Michigan: 3 days
Christmas: 1 day

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Picture Slide Show of Past Five (5) Years

I have asked people for blog idea's (by the way if you have them, send them my way. k thanks bai) and one keeps being requested, a picture show of how I have changed over the past 5 years. The idea of a picture-ography is mostly brought up by my closest friends who have seen me change. I never really noticed until I went through my Facebook pictures to get ideas for this post, I used to be super skinny. I would have cut me too if I was the coach. Know that these 60 lbs of man meat have not come easy, it has been a rough and delicious journey. As you take a look at these pictures, I want you to look at two things: 1. how much bigger my stomach gets. 2. how much my arms stay skinny and weak and wussy.
 These are a few pictures of me in high school, just to show how skinny I was. I threw in the picture of me with the painted face because people always ask about it and to show how badass I (thought) I was. Despite painting my face, we lost that game. I know, weird.

These three pictures are of me my first or second year of college? Can't really be sure. 6'3" 185 lbs (maybe).
This picture is in here just to show a little bit of a progression of the ensuing gut coming on. These are baby rolls compared to today. 210 lbs.

These three pictures were Junior year-ish? I went through a dumb phase of shaving my head. Although it is hard to tell, the stomach/thighs are slowly but surly growing. Fast. 215 lbs.

Here we go. Starting to put on that weight the ladies love. Stomach fat. 220 lbs. (I know the guy on the left looks great. That's D1 quarterback Spencer Dawson. And yes ladies, he is single)

Party pouch in full force. I'm standing straight up and it is sticking out, that's when you know it's good. White jerseys are not the most flattering. Black is more slimming. Ask John Finch, he'll tell you. 220 lbs-ish.

The picture is smashed and I don't know how to change it, but let me tell you it's not far off. I'm glad I had the extra weight for stomping on communism (pictured). I'm going to guess 225 lbs.
At this point, I have been doing curls for about 15 years and this is what I have to show for it. Some people just got it, others blog. 230 lbs.
Although the eyes go straight to my hair (as it should) be sure to meander down to the stomach. Another view of standing straight up/gut showing. LLFG (Ladies Love Fat Guts). 235 lbs.
Hard to see in this picture but those pants on me might as well be tights on my thighs. But hey, at least we have the bucket and mustaches. 237 lbs.

 Hope you enjoyed this stroll down memory lane as much as I did. You probably didn't. That's fine. I don't like looking at pictures of other people either. That goes along with reading. Woof.
Like I said before, to both of my readers, if you want to read about something I will very much consider all suggestions. Any players you want on Booty's corner? I guess it doesn't have to be a football player? If there are enough questions directed at me I guess I could do an episode of Booty's corner on myself? What I'm saying here is, I am a man of the people and I'll give the people what they want.  

Little Caesars Bowl: 18 Days
Christmas: 16 Days

<3 Kevin

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Little Caesars Bowl? SOUNDS DELICIOUS!

Purdue is going to a bowl and that Looks like Christmas has been moved to Detroit this year and I can't tell you how excited I am to be able to spend a few more weeks with some of my closest friends pretending I'm a real athlete! In the City of Lights no less!
Because the regular season has ended, our coaching staff has given us a few extra days off; these few days got me thinking about my past five years at Purdue and I cannot help but smile and be thankful for my time here and memories made. I also cannot help but think about how this is a perfect time to drop some knowledge on you jabronis so you don't make the same mistakes I did.
Here are some things I've learned/wish I would have done/done differently over the past 5 years (in no particular order):
  1. I wish I would have gotten into contact with Chris Rubio earlier. Like middle school. Rubio has been a huge help throughout these past few years in both snapping and life. He sends so many of his long snapping campers to D1 programs it's stupid. Maybe had I worked with him earlier I wouldn't be one of two 5th year walk-on's (Sup Spencer Dawson??!??). But then again, I probably wouldn't be at Purdue now. I take it back, I'm glad I'm mediocre and a 5th year walk on because I'm so happy at Purdue it should be illegal.
  2. I absolutely should have carried a mini microphone around with me at all times to record conversations between John Finch and myself during practice (but not during games because he is waaayyy too focused for that, which I guess is in no way a bad thing). I don't mean to brag but we could have put those into a podcast and easily have acquired somewhere between 7-16 followers by now. TAKE THAT NPR!!
  3. I should have started my blog earlier. Like when I thought how it would be a good idea about 3 years ago. 
  4. My mom asked me about 2 years ago if I wanted a meal plan at the dining court even though I lived off campus. I said no. HUGE mistake. 
  5. I wish I would have not been so shy my freshman year. People ask me how my freshman year was, I explain to them that I had no friends because I was shy (shocking) and didn't talk to anybody. 100% my fault.
  6. I'm glad I gained weight to allow me to play, but maybe I should have gone with the muscle weight gain option as opposed to the quicker and tastier option of fat. C'est La Vie.
  7. I should have definitely talked to at least A girl. 
  8. I should have never have cut my hair. A 5 year mane would have brought all the boys to the yard for sure.
  9. LARP. I should have LARP'ed more. (Live Action Role Playing).
  10. I've given out plenty of high 5's but I could have always given out more. 
I have the intention to blog more than once a week starting now. But I'm going to be real with you, that probs won't happen. Only time will tell!

Little Caesars Bowl vs. Western Michigan: 21 days
Christmas: 19 Days

<3 Kevin